Educators act ethically and maintain the integrity, credibility and reputation of the profession.
As a professional in the community, I feel that it is neccessary to act ethically and professionally in class as well as out in my community. I also feel that being a part of your community and giving your own time is very important as well. For many summers now, I have taught painting classes at a local Resort where people can eat, drink, and have a relaxing paint class. Due to COVID some restrictions have come into place and last year as well as this coming year I will not be able to provide classes. But I intend to still give back to my community when everything is back to normal once again.
Professionalism is not just in the community but it is also within the schools and classrooms. As I have already worked in the schools for 10+ years as an Education Assistant, I know how important it is to keep personal information confidential. Being in this profession, you really get to know the students and their families on a more personal level so acting ethically and being responsible for your students privacy is essential.